ISIS CD Windows XP documentation


You should be logged in as regular user of the PC. When running the setup.exe you may get a box asking if you want to run the Install program as another user. If you are not an Administrator, then you should have the administrator fill in user name and password here.
This program uses an ActiveX control that gets installed separately once a line drawing is encountered when browsing thru the Service Manual. It would be a good idea if you are doing this setup for someone who doesn't have Administrator rights to go to the help screen off the main ISIS screen and load the control from there. Someone without Administrator rights can't install the ActiveX control.

If you do the setup as one user and another user wants to run the application, if the Vehicle Diagnostics folder is not found on the desktop, you can create a shortcut from the C:\NAV\ISISII\msmframe.htm to the desktop (if running from PC), or a shortcut from that file on the CD (if running from CD).

Running the Master Service Manual

You may get the following messages in the Master Service Manual screen. You must answer the prompts properly to get it to work